Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold

Angelspeake:  How to Talk with Your Angels
Dear Reader,

This Angelspeake book was shown to me by the angels in a Barnes and Noble bookstore in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It was through this book, that I learned to communicate with my angels through writing.  Through the messages I received, I learned to trust my communication with them.

I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to develop a line of communication with their angels!!

In love and light,

REVIEW:  The messages brought to the world through Angelspeake are uplifting beyond words.  The authors, Barbara, Trudy and the angels, allow us incredible insight to what we have available to us here, daily, at any given moment.  They explicitly explain how EASY it is to communicate with our angels.  Beings who want only the best for us Every moment of Every day.  An absolute must read for anyone wanting to learn more about communicating with our fan club, our team of advisors, our personal assistants, our teachers of light and love... our angels...

The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing:  How to Work with Your Angels

REVIEW: The Book of Prayer and Healing is filled with tools to work with our angels as well as stories of people who are using the tools.  It also includes a most amazing breathing exercise!  A blessed tool to help give things to God to handle... 

You may click the Barnes and Noble link below to order your copy today - you'll be so glad you did!!!!

Click the Barnes and Noble link below to order your copy!

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