Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Elizabeth (Betty) Haldane Sawtelle


The Light Within by Elizabeth (Betty) Haldane Sawtelle

Betty wrote to me about the Soul Kisses newsletter.  One email led to another and she mentioned the above book.  Little did I know what a compilation of love this book is - it is not just words.  Betty has written the messages of the angels and they speak to the reader - they permeate to our essence and fan the flame of light that is the God Part within!

When the book arrived, I couldn't wait to open the package and explore the contents.  I flipped through the pages and the book fell open to pages 6-7.  I began to cry - there on page seven, my dear friend Barbara Mark was smiling back at me!  (Barbara transitioned to the angelic realm in 2006) And she said:

Oh, Huuuuunnneeeyyyyy, don't cry...  (laughing....)  You knew you'd see me again!!  You'll love this book!  There's a message in here for you - you'll know it when you see it!

What's really exciting is that everyone who reads this will find a message for them in it!  The angels designed it that way - they're so smart!

Tell Betty, thank you, for all her hard work and effort!  And give her my love...

I love you!

She always had a way of making me laugh - ALWAYS!  Barbara was right, there is a message in the book for me.  You'll have to read the book to find out what Your message is! 

The Light Within is a blessed gift for yourself and for others!

Click the Barnes and Noble link below to order your copy!

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