Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Edwene Gaines

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity:  A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance

Edwene gives wonderful tools and examples on how to initiate and implement the universal laws of prosperity in our lives.  Every page exhibits Edwene's wonderful gift of humor as well as her ability to make the reader a part of her experiences.  By sharing the intimacies of her journey she brings credibility to the use of the laws of prosperity.

Edwene's definition of Prosperity is:
A vitally alive physical body to provide a comfortable worldly home for the spiritual beings that we are
Relationships that are satisfying, nurturing, honest and work all the time
Work that we love so much that it's not work, it's play
And all the money we can spend

Discover tips, tools, and how to follow the Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity!


Click the Barnes and Noble link below to order your copy!

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