Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Archangel Metatron Spirit Emanation (orb)

This red spirit emanation (orb) was taken May 4, 2008.  When I saw the picture I was surprised to see a red orb, then I noticed that there might be a white orb over the lower left side.  Using my PaintShop Pro 9 program I enhanced the image one time and discovered a face:

I asked who it the image was and clearly heard, "Metatron."  So I enlarged the image 500% - see below:

I immediately went to the internet to search Google for a picture.  The first link I clicked on had a figurine that fit my picture.  The figurine was at the Angel Haven website:

Archangel Metatron is helping me with my writing - I graciously accept all his help to aid me in communicating clearly with all the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whisper's readers.

Soul Kisses




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