Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Angelic Messages

I began writing the Soul Kisses newsletter in January of 2003, but didn't include messages from the angels until January of 2005.  These are the messages from the newsletters from the angels:


January 2005

Dear Ones...

A special message to all you Light Workers from the angels!

The physical world holds dark hours, joy, sadness, peace, turmoil and love.

Remember who you are - you are divine children of God and you are NEVER alone - you have angels, spirit guides guardian angels and deceased loved ones with you every moment of every day.

Remember to Breathe Deeply and Ask for help from your angels. We can't help you if you are determined to do everything on your own.

Remember God is your supply in all things.

Remember that you are profoundly loved and it gives us great joy to receive your requests.

Share your love light with all you come into contact with and miracles you will see.

With eternal love,
Your Angels

March 2005

Reminder from our angels...

Dear Ones, the physical world days do indeed hold challenges that you face. We are with you every hour of every day to help you. Ask us for our help, we are delighted to give it! There are miracles all around you, we will help you have the eyes to see them and the love for yourself to allow yourselves to receive them... We love you without question, without conditions, our love for you is all encompassing....

Your angels...

April 2005
Message from the angels:

Dear ones, many of you have been feeling physical world despair for numerous reasons. Do not despair – now is the time to trust. Trust in us, the messengers of God, trust in the love and power of The Creator, for we are with you in every moment of every day – you are never alone. Ask us for our help! We see you struggling with physical world issues and there is no need. When there is trust in universal supply, there is no need to worry, no need to feel anxious, no need to succumb to stress. Our greatest joy is to help you in every way – ask us. Your free will limits our abilities to help on our own – even though we want to – ask us for help and you will receive. So be it, and it is.

The Angels

May 2005
Message from Archangel Michael:

Listen dear ones... I see you worry, I feel your fear. Release these things - release them now! Allow me and my band of angels to free you from worry, fear and anxiety. Allow us to fold you in the love of The Creator. Accept your highest good - abundance in all things! Trust in our love for you. Trust that we are always with you. Trust we are in the smile of a child, in the puff of a cloud, in the very breath you take. If you will just TRUST, there will be no room for worry, no room for fear, no room for anxiety in your lives. TRUST!

Your Fierce Protector, Archangel Michael

June 2005
Message from the angels:

Sweet Children of God,

So many of you are frantically working as hard as you can with little to no regard for the requirements of your physical world bodies. Dear ones, STOP! You are NOT "Energizer Bunnies". Allow yourselves to feel our presence and release the urgencies to us. Evaluate where you are, and what you want - ask us for help. Please take a moment to breathe deeply - allow your bodies to rest. Nurture yourselves! We are here to help you - we will make your lives easier.

Your Loving Angels

Another message....

Dear ones,

Breathe deeply the oxygen of the earth, feel our presence. We are here to help you to heal and to comfort you. As your earthly body deals with challenges within you, each one of you, has the ability to heal the earthly body, to comfort the spirit. The love within you heals all - love is the healer of all things. A collective consciousness of healing holds tremendous power. Pray for world healing, pray for people of other countries, pray for the neighbor down the street, ask for healing for yourself. All prayers are heard and all prayers are answered. Know within you - each one of you are healers - healers of the light - allow yourselves to love others - the healing begins...

Your Loving Healing Angels...

August 2005
A message from the angels:

Dear Ones...

There have been incidents of great magnitude – terrorism attacks, tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes, planes crashing, fires, famine – all these things bring the human spirit together in love – unconditional love for one another. Know that as each human crossed over during these events, they were not alone – legions of angels were with them. The physical world of earth is experiencing an indelible shift - a shift of transition and connecting - people are looking within to define their connection with God, The Creator, Infinite Spirit, Universal Energy... We ask that you share with others your links with God - share your personal experiences, internet links, books, classes, teleclasses and seminars. For in so doing, like minded souls will meet. Share these tools to help others to look within to discern for themselves their True Connection with God. You are Lightworkers of Spirit - it is your path to shine God's light on all that you touch. Upon being touched by this light, these souls will search for their divine life path and make the connection with God. Love will prevail. As cells of the physical body all touch one another, so does the love light of God - reaching to the darkest corner of the planet to illuminate the Divine Will and Light of God - know this for it is true.
The US magazine Newsweek's cover story delves into this - the search for spirituality. Hollywood ignited this exploration of personal spirituality in a huge way with Passion of the Christ. The internet has the capability to brilliantly shine God's love through every computer access. Many more newspaper, radio and television stories will come to light to fan the flame of the quest to connect. There will be great stories told of help from God's messenger's, the angels - stories of survival - stories of miracles.

The physical world has taught to not speak of seeing us, of talking to us, of asking for our help and receiving it. It is time for asking for the help of God and connecting with God to be NORMAL, rather than viewed as Abnormal.
Those who inhabit the earth are searching.... share your information, dear ones... Lightworkers, do your part in sharing the keys for other souls to make the connection. Each one of you reading this - each physical being of earth has the power, the gift, the connecting link to God and the angelic realm. Unite and light the world. Know, dear ones, that you are NEVER alone - EVER - in each moment... of each day... you are a crowd of angels and loved ones...

Your loving CROWD of angels

September 2005

Dear Children,

The love light of God glows brightly in this moment. There has been great rejoicing as many have returned home and as complete strangers have offered helping hands to one another. The turmoil and crimes that were experienced in the physical world are sad indeed and a sign that no country is immune to atrocities. Love can prevent this from happening again - anywhere.
The human mission is to love. Some do not recognize this, but those who do can enlighten them with acts of kindness and heartfelt love. Release the need to assign blame and guilt and forgive. Forgiveness begins the healing. Forgiveness, dear children will set you free to receive the abundance God has for you - and He has GREAT abundance for each one of you.

As you learn to forgive others, you will learn to forgive and love yourselves. In so doing, God's love light will shine in all areas of your life - others will be touched in beautiful, kind, loving ways and God's will is done.

Release that which no longer serves you - material items, thought patterns, people... Look within, dear children to discover your true heart's desire and life purpose. We angels are here in every moment of every day to help you, to guide you, to bring to fruition your gifts to the world. Ask us for our help in all things and experience the limitless of God...

Your loving angels...

October 2005
A message from the angels:

Welcome sweet children, welcome to the palm of the hand of God... The earth continues to lift itself spiritually, cleansing, reshaping, growing and breathing. Do not be afraid, dear children, for we, the Messengers of God, are with you in every moment of every day. Know this for it is true. Wake with us each morning and begin your day "with" us. Speak to us upon rising and release to us your concerns, fears and doubts of the day - ask and allow us to help you through your daily journey. We will shine brightly the love light of God on your life pathway to guide you.

There is not one of you who is asking often enough for help. Ask us, believe we hear you, release to us the outcome and be grateful as if you have already received. In allowing yourself to receive God's supply of abundance for you - your highest good - you shine brightly a light for others to see, to discover, to live. You play a big part in bringing others closer to God - allow yourself to receive God's BEST for you!

You and the earth are as one... Humans are experiencing a tremendous shift in growing closer to God as is the earth. Humans are lifting spiritually, cleansing, reshaping, growing and breathing. For in breathing you hear the love and guidance of the angels. When fearful, do not hold your breath! Breathe deeply and you will feel us hugging you close for comfort.

We are with you, dear, sweet children, in every moment of every hour..

Your loving Angelic Team...

December 2005
A message from the angels:

Dear children, physical world conditioning teaches death of the physical body to be horrific. This is simply not true. The transitioning of the spirit from the earthly physical body to life in the angelic realm is cause for tremendous joy and celebration - a reunion and welcome home! Grief of loss is indeed very real, but the loss is only physical. The spirit never dies and is forever connected to you. Know this for it is true.

The transition itself is glorious. In a breath, without pain of any kind, we embrace the spirit into the light of God - it is truly magnificent! A profound moment of pure love!

Allow yourselves to grieve and ask God for help in doing so. Yet, know, truly know, that your loved ones are with you always.... know that love never dies... Love is eternal...

Your loving angels


January 2006
A message from the angels:

Dear Ones,

Know that we are with you in all moments. It is our greatest honor and pleasure to communicate with you and help you in all that you do. There are times that you feel we are not near - this is not so - for we are with you always - it is your physical world fear and worry that prevents you from feeling us...

Live fully in each moment, the future will come as it always does. Rejoice in this moment, breathe deeply and experience the sweetness, the love, of this one moment.

God's love light shines eternally in each one of you as all are one with God...

Your loving angels

April 2006

Dear Children...

In this moment of the physical world time, there is anger, joy, hatred and love. There is suffering and pain, there is excitement and celebration. The purpose of the journey of the spirit in the human body eludes many. The Journey is the Mission.
Many look to religion for answers. The answers are with The Holy Father, The Creator. Within each one of you, The Holy Father has breathed life - the life of your spirit. In that breath, inside of each of you, is the essence of The Holy Father, the essence of God. All the answers you seek are within you, in the God part - your essence.

There are Lightworkers in your world who teach of Free Will and your ability to ask for help. The love God has for each and every one of you is more than the human mind can comprehend. As an illustration of this love, He has assigned to you legions of angels who are ready in a breath to help you fulfill your life mission. Look within. You will find that this is true.
Man has composed fear as a method of control. Fear is but an illusion. There is no fear with The Holy Father -only love. Look within to find the love within you and share it with the world. Pray for understanding, ask for it and understanding shall be yours. Each one of you is God's voice, please speak in love...

There is question in the physical world as to whether I died on the cross. It is not important when my physical body died. What is important is that my spirit lives and will live forever. Death of the physical body is not to be feared. It is but a breath - a breath from the physical body to the celebration of being free and in spirit. Your Easter is a celebration of the continued life of my spirit. My spirit is very much alive and well. All you need do is ask to feel my presence and I am with you.

Know that you are never, ever alone. Not only are you a crowd of angels... I am with you... for within you, I live...


July 2006
A message from the angels...

Dearest Children,

Allow yourselves to see the wonder and splendor of God around you. See us in the trees, the clouds, the rocks, the concrete - for truly we are everywhere... Allow yourselves to have the eyes to see us. Write to us, dear children - each one of you is a beloved child of God who have many in attendance waiting to help you. The work of Lightworkers such as Angelspeake and Soul Kisses is to show you that you too may connect with the angelic realm - your guides, your angels, your loved ones. Use your free will wisely, ask for help and allow yourselves to receive!

Your loving angels...

August 2006

Dear Beloved Spiritual Lights,

Looking within is the objective.

Each one of you reading this has many, many angels, guides and teachers in attendance. We give you our devoted word of love and light that we are with you and are ready to help you when you ask. Trust in us that we are here, dear children. Each one of you, look within for within is your true love, your true happiness.

All is within.

Trust and you will receive.

Your loving, devoted, Messengers of God.

September 2006

Dear Children of God,

In moments of fear and confusion - know that God is with you - know that your guides, your teachers and your angels are always with you - with you in every moment of every day no matter what you are experiencing. Within each one of you, God lives. Allow the love of God to radiate forth to heal your life and to touch others with His healing grace. There will be times in your life that you will experience confusion, you will experience fear and you will experience pain. With these emotions comes spiritual growth for they force you to look within, to pull forth the strength that lies within you - to discover and discern your truth and your stand. These times are, indeed, trying, but they too shall pass. The hills and valleys of the physical world path holds great enlightenment. As you travel this path, be comforted for "the rod and the sword" are with you.

Where God is, so are you...

Your loving angels...

October 2006

Sweet Children of God,

The transition of the children was painless and welcomed in love. Each child is being cared for by many angels - the love of God. We ask each of you to practice acts of kindness, to love one another and to forgive others as well as yourselves. Look within dear children, connect with God - ask and allow us to help you to forgive. Each of you is a profoundly loved child of God - each has God within. Honor the God part within yourselves and others - Love and Forgive...

God's messengers, the angels...

November 2006

Dear Children,

We are with you in every moment of every day... Know this for it is true. God is in everything - even in each of you. Ask us to help you in all that you do - for it is our greatest joy to be of service to you!

Your loving crowd of angels...

December 2006

Dear Children,

Your holiday season is one of great joy - the celebration of our beloved Jesus! Know that you are not alone - that we are with you in every moment of every day - you are indeed, a crowd. Use your free will wisely... Ask us for our help in all that you do. It is our greatest joy to bring to you your highest good. We will show you signs that we are near - allow yourselves to see, hear and know that it is us!

Do not despair when watching your news programs. Hold fast to your faith and trust in God. Allow yourselves to feel His love enveloping you. Sit quietly and breathe deeply, ask us to be with you - you will feel our presence.
Mother Earth is experiencing a tremendous spiritual shift. All is in divine order. God is with you - live "in the moment" and feel the love...

Your loving crowd of angels...


January 2007

Dear Children,

Each moment is a moment of new beginnings, an opportunity to create yourself, your experiences, what you know as reality anew. Your hearts are asking questions, knowing that there is more, yet not finding it through physical world resources. It is within, children... Look within... Allow yourselves to experience All that God is... Know that His unconditional love for you is the beginning and the end of all that is. You, each one of you... are profound spiritual beings of loving light. Allow God's love to regenerate that love within you so your vision becomes clear, your understanding becomes complete and the wisdom of all that is becomes... once again... who you are...

Your loving crowd of angels...

February 2007

Joy Exercise:
Sit quietly.

Breathe deeply and allow the issues of the physical world to fall away. Focus on your breathing.

When physical world thoughts come in, acknowledge them and bless them on their way – for this is your time with God/The Universe.

Focus on that which brings you joy.

Identify this emotion of joy within you to be a glowing white light.

Breathe deeply and allow the light of joy to filter from deep within you to circulate throughout your body – to the ends of your fingers – the tips of your toes – allow this wonderful joy of light to pulsate with your heart beat.

Envision this white light of joy to begin to emanate from your skin to the outside world till you are shimmering with a beautiful white glow.

It is now that you are joy/love.

Hold to these feelings of joy and love as you go through your days.

Your loving angels...

March 2007
Message from Chief Running Bear

Dear Children,

It took young Howling Coyote, to open Kate's eyes to the real beauty of what was around her.
You too can experience the love of Mother Earth. At every given opportunity, allow yourselves to feel the soil and grass between your toes. Allow yourselves to experience the life force of Mother Earth. Sit near a tree and feel its strength, its power.
Open your heart to the true beauty and vibrancy of Mother Earth's gifts. Even if you are in the city and have but one house plant - honor it. Look into the plant and allow yourself to feel its vivacity and animation. It is a living thing of God - as are you!
As you go about your days in the physical world, take your nature experiences with you in your archive of love. Pull from it when you feel yourself having drifted from God, when you feel yourself sucked into the negativity of the physical world...
God is all around you, you need only allow yourself to have the "eyes to see."

Chief Running Bear (Kate's Protector Guide) and angels...

April 2007

Dear Children,

I’m here for you, and I will give you rest… I will give you peace… I will give you hope… I will give you comfort… I will give you joy… I will give you love… I will give you all you need and more, for I am your supply. All that is yours by divine right; I will send to you under grace… Live my teachings by being honest, forgive others completely, give with love in your heart, do not judge others for their shoes fit differently than yours and be grateful for all you receive. Do these things for yourself, and doors filled with opportunities, blessings and peace will be open to you. Because in accomplishing these tasks you will blossom as my child and grow closer to me.

Open your heart to me. Allow yourself to receive, instead of stumbling around in the physical world on your own. I am here for you in the darkest of nights, the brightest of days; in the sad, painful and joyful of moments, loving you for all time, for within you… I live...

I know all that is within your heart and understand clearly your heart’s intent. Allow yourself to experience your growth plan. I will provide to you strength, tools, clarity and wisdom to fulfill all if you allow. No matter where you put yourself, I will be with you always, for within you… I live…
Breathe deeply, sweet children, the essence of God.


April 16, 2007

Dear Children,

I’m here for you, and I will give you rest… I will give you peace… I will give you hope… I will give you comfort… I will give you joy… I will give you love… I will give you all you need and more, for I am your supply. All that is yours by divine right; I will send to you under grace… Live my teachings by being honest, forgive others completely, give with love in your heart, do not judge others for their shoes fit differently than yours and be grateful for all you receive. Do these things for yourself, and doors filled with opportunities, blessings and peace will be open to you. Because in accomplishing these tasks you will blossom as my child and grow closer to me.

Open your heart to me. Allow yourself to receive, instead of stumbling around in the physical world on your own. I am here for you in the darkest of nights, the brightest of days; in the sad, painful and joyful of moments, loving you for all time, for within you… I live...

I know all that is within your heart and understand clearly your heart’s intent. Allow yourself to experience your growth plan. I will provide to you strength, tools, clarity and wisdom to fulfill all if you allow. No matter where you put yourself, I will be with you always, for within you… I live…

Breathe deeply, sweet children, the essence of God.


May 17, 2007

My Dearest Children Made in My Image...

What do you think I look like? How do you think I sound? Kate thinks I have a very deep voice, so that is how she hears me - then she knows it is me. Did you see "Dear God" with John Denver? He and his fellow actors and movie people used a movie to tell you about me. Neale Donald Walsh meticulously wrote out my words and shared them with you.

Each one of you is a glorious creation of spiritual life - a gift of love, but many of you don't see yourselves that way. Take this moment, this one moment in your day and think of something you love and are very grateful for. Think of that one thing and embrace it to you - pull it into your heart, into your very being and become the gratitude and love of what you are thinking. Do you feel the love coursing through your body? Do you feel the gratitude bursting from your chest? As you breathe deeply are you beginning to feel lighter than air because with all this love and gratitude expanding in your chest and imprinting your cells you may just burst?? Are you feeling it???

What you are experiencing does not come close to how I feel about you. As I walk with you as my children I feel your pain, I feel your joy, I feel your life breath as it leaves your body - you are one with me. Allow yourself to look within and discover me, for I am there within each one of you aching to be noticed. Allow yourself to know me for in the knowing is the trust and the faith and the wisdom of all that is.

Honor and nurture yourself as you would a dear loved one - be gentle with yourself - as you would with me, for within you, I live...

We are together... forever...
Father, Mother, God, Source, The Creator, The Universal Life Force

June 6. 2007

Dearest Children,

Love is all there is. The hustle and bustle of the physical world is chaos in control. Release it, children, release it and allow yourselves to feel the love of The Creator, the love of your angels, the love of your guides and teachers, the love of those around you.

Your mission is to love - to achieve the state of unconditional love.

Sit quietly and focus on the love light within - the God Part within you. Breathe deeply and allow this light to glow... and to grow. Allow yourself to feel the love within you. Allow yourself to feel the love of God. Embrace it to you.

Love is real.

We are with you in every moment of every day, rooting for you to succeed in all that you do.

We are... your loving angels...

July 1, 2007

Dearest Children, you know in your heart that The Creator of galaxies, of flowers and bodies, is most powerful. Listen to your heart. We understand and know that the teachings of the physical world make trusting what you “know” in your heart challenging. But know that we are here to help you. You are never alone – we know that you feel alone and at times ask yourself, “what am I doing?” Then you feel the love in your heart and you become centered again – more balanced. Embrace the love in your heart, sweet children – embrace the love in your heart. For love is all there is. Love is all powerful. It is love that will bring peace, abundance and joy to a struggling planet – planet Earth.

When you wake in the mornings, before you open your eyes, begin your day in gratitude. Think of the things you are grateful for – if the worries come in – and they will – acknowledge them, then return to thinking - to focusing on what you are grateful for. Embrace this gratitude to your heart, allow it to permeate your entire body until you feel like singing and smiling and your heart is bursting with joy - ….and gratitude. This is how you are to begin each and every day.

You will feel lighter, you will be healthier, you will eat healthier, you will feel like taking that walk, you will be… love…. All around you will be affected by this love and as you live in gratitude and love you become a magnet for more of same. This is the Law of Attraction. It is working all the time, whether you focus on good things to attract to yourself or bad things. Dearest children, as you know if you worry and are fearful, you will attract to you more things to be worrying and fearful about. This is not your path. Accept it now. Your path is one of love and joy.

Abundance is yours, sweet children, all the things your heart desires is on your path of love. Know that these things will not arrive in your time, but in God’s time – mostly due to your ability to release the physical world teachings and trust in God, The Creator of All That Is.

Know that when you trust in God and allow Him to have all your fears and worries, He will return all to you healed. You will be open to opportunities that present themselves. For opportunity does not knock – it is just there for those who have the "eyes to see and the ears to hear and the wisdom to follow the knowing" within one’s heart.

We realize that you are human and you need tangible “evidence” of our words, you are sweet, to say, “Oh, no, I believe you” but we know that in your heart, you would like “proof.” Begin each day embracing gratitude completely and fully – even if you must do it in the shower because you are running late, do this and you will experience tangible truth. You will experience your becoming an attraction magnet of love – bringing to you more things that bring you joy and love. There will be challenges to make you grow and stretch yourself spiritually, but in living from a love base, you will know what to do.

We are always, always here with you, sweet children, always and forever available to converse with, help and guide you. You are our highest priority.

Your loving angels…

July 21, 2007

Dearest Children,

God is all around you... in the leaves of the trees, the blades of the grass, the grains of sand, the hardness of the concrete and the brick, the breath of your air...

Breathe deeply and allow yourselves to experience God around you. Honor this and the healing of Mother Earth will follow at great speed...

The awakening of Spirit within you is changing your lives, it is changing the way you look at life, the way you perceive life and the love is building. A collective consciousness of healing and love begins with one.

As you are all a part of the Creator, you are One with God...

Share the love...

We are... your loving angels...

August 8, 2007

Dearest Children,

The heart and its message are to share with the world... there is fear in the hearts of many... the love of God cleanses and clears (as the rain from the night of Keith's travels) washes away the fear leaving peace, love and light within us. Trust in the power of the unconditional love of The Creator of All That Is...

Share the love within you with all you meet, all you touch - and yes, you do touch the clerk who waits on you, the person who comes in the door behind you that you held the door for, the person in the lane next to you while traveling from place to place - you touch many in your days and your nights - share the love - release the fear...

People are experiencing and sharing more and more encounters with us - share them, share them! The sharing of such love elevates the consciousness of the physical world one person at a time...

Your loving angels...

August 20, 2007

Dearest Children,

In your time of sorrow, in your time of joy, we are with you. We send you love in ways that you feel loved. Acknowledge the love and accept it as it is - love - unconditional and pure. Open your eyes to see, and you will see us everywhere. Open your hearing to hear, and you will hear us everywhere. Open your self to knowing, and you will feel us near you, everywhere.
Know that you are loved beyond human comprehension, beyond the description of your earthly words...



Your loving angels...

October 29, 2007

Dearest Children,

Know that the spirit, the essence of your loved ones, are here with us, safe and loved. No matter what the circumstances of their transition, they were not alone and there was no pain. The transition from the physical body to spiritual essence was but a breath and we are with them. No one transitions alone. There are angels, guides and other loved ones who have crossed before in attendance to welcome the loved one home.

Your loving angels...

November 19, 2007

Dear Children,

The physical body your spirits reside in while living on the planet of Mother Earth require great care. Many of you take your bodies for granted shoveling substances into them that you call food when in reality the substance has no nutritional value to your body at all. The bodies are struggling to survive due to lack of nutrition. Some of you have opted to experience illnesses in order to gain understanding of specific things. Some of you will experience illness and disease because you feed on anger, hatred, unforgiveness, resentment and gossip.

Unforgiveness is a huge issue to the physical bodies of planet earth. Most want to blame others instead of looking within – this is what you are taught to do. Harboring ill feelings takes great effort, draining the body of its vitality and strength. The love light of God – forgiveness from within, from the cellular level heals the body.

These experiences are part of your "remembering" in connection with us. Trust what you receive when you ask us. We know the mission of Trust and Faith are challenging due to the teachings of your world. You are taught not to trust the light within you – the guidance and the love. Now is the time to truly connect with that light, guidance and love in order to truly live.

As you learn to trust the gifts you have, you will find your life more balanced, more peaceful and filled with more love than you can imagine. You will share these feelings freely with all you meet – sharing the love of God…

It takes great effort, trust and love to look within and face who each one has become and to thrust aside the physical world teachings of blame and pull forth the acceptance of one’s own actions and motives. It is then that the true essence of each spirit can gloriously come forth and take dominion over the earth in love, joy and peace.

We are with you in all moments…

Your loving entourage of Angels…

December 10, 2007

Rejoice dear children, for you are One with The Creator. You are One with one another... Accept these truths and World Peace will be yours.

Be gentle with each other - honor one another - think of how you would speak to God before you speak to another - speak to the God Part within and World Peace will be yours.

We are with you, dearest children - your guides, your angels, your teachers, your dearly loved relatives who have transitioned home before you - we are all with you, loving you, helping you when you ask and allow...

Focus on that which you desire - do not think of the things you do not want - discard those thoughts for thoughts of gratitude. Release unforgiveness and all that no longer serves you. Embrace the power of who you are - One with The Creator.

Your loving, ever present,

December 24, 2007

Dearest Children,

We want you to know how much we love you and how precious you are to us. We want you to know that your time on Mother Earth has its own mission. You are interconnected with many – it is through the pure love in your heart that others will see God – some for the first time (so they think). Many who live on Mother Earth feel lost and desolate in their hearts because they allow the teachings of the world to mold them. They do not understand that they have free will and that to only look within, they will discover the limitless spiritual beings that they are – they will discover that they are not bound by the teachings and conditioning of their society, but limitless spiritual beings – a part of God.

It is through sweet, gentle souls such as you that others will learn this – through the pure sweet love of your heart. As you look within and allow God’s light to shine from within, others will see it, they will feel it and they too will come to know it and allow themselves to receive the blessed abundance of God.

You are free, gentle, beautiful spirits. Do not fret for we are with you. We ask that you sit quietly and breathe deeply. Close your eyes and breathe in our presence, breathe in the essence of God. For it is then that you will find answers to all the questions of your mind. It is here you will find fulfillment and remembrance of who you are within. It is here that you will know the steps before you to live the fulfillment of who you are.

There are those whom you love dearly who will grow closer. There are those who have served their purpose who will move on – taking with them that which they needed from you and leaving with you that which you needed from them. Release sadness of this parting – for all is a blessing and all is a gift. See and allow yourself to experience the perfection of each situation and relationship.

Know dear children that those you love who have transitioned are always with you – your love forever lives and they are closer in spirit than in human form for in the spiritual world there is no time or space and they are as close as a thought.

Now is a time of renewal. Mother Earth replenishes herself as do each of you. As your time of year end comes near, the world celebrates the hope of the Christ Child’s birth – a time of renewal – a time of hope filled love – a time of looking within to grasp and hold tightly to the faith in God as supply of All That Is. Ring in the New Year. Ring it in from deep within for there is great reason for rejoicement!!! Within your heart, within your being, God Lives and you are part of the whole of God!!! You are One With God! The energy of Mother Earth is opening the hearts – we Rejoice!

Know that in God there is no fear! In God there is no lack! In God there is only love! In God there is abundance for all! God is the supply, the light, the Creator of All That Is! In God anything is possible! In you anything is possible! Do you feel the endless possibilities of who you are??? Breathe deeply children for within you, God Lives! You are perfection in its holiest form!!

It is through this wisdom that all your desires will come to fruition – your heart’s joy will bloom into the reality of your physical world life. YOU are the limitless image of God! Look within dear child, for you and God are One. You are love, you are the light.

Sit quietly dear children, and look within. Discern what you truly desire to Be, Have and Do. Forgive the past. The past is behind you – there is only NOW. Forgive others, forgive yourself - release unforgiveness – wipe the slate clean and fill it with Love. In Love ALL is Possible! Discern what you truly desire and employ our help to bring your desires to fruition. The world is at your feet, dear children. Work with us! As we work TOGETHER we will show you steps to take and moves to make in order to receive your desires. In working with us/God you will fulfill God’s work, bring your desires to fulfillment and develop a team that works as easily as breathing. As your faith and trust in God grows so does your ability to allow yourself to receive God’s abundance.

Do not be fearful of the guidance of your angels, guides and teachers. Embrace the limitless spiritual being that you are and allow yourself to experience the grace of God in whatever form it comes to you. You are, each and everyone of you, Magnificent, Miraculous, Spiritual Beings – embrace this knowledge – this Truth and operate effortlessly through your God Part. God’s love light will shine through you blessing others in miraculous ways!

Healed is the physical world… Healed is Mother Earth… Healed are you…

Your loving entourage of angelic beings...  


January 14, 2008

Dearest Children...

The physical world year of 2008 is one of great prosperity. Be open to the guidance to fill your life with this prosperity. Know that prosperity resides in all areas of your life – in your love, your wealth, your health and your work.

Prosperity comes in all forms – feelings of gratitude and thankfulness, cash, joy, love, your material comfort, peace and most importantly your unity with The Creator of All That Is. It is the work of each individual soul to "remember” their connection with the God Part within – “Remember” they are One with the Creator of All That Is. In opening your heart and uniting with God, the Universal Supply Warehouse of abundance opens to you.

When humans living on Mother Earth allow their hearts to trust in God as their supply they find peace, joy and happiness within themselves. This creates a “domino effect” of touching others with this inner light of joy – not only sharing joy, but compassion, love, time to help, monies to feed – the essence of God is shared. Then those who are touched also discover their God Part connection and unify.

The healing of the planet begins with one person.

Sit quietly with us, daily if you can. Breathe deeply and vision yourself in an area of lush foliage. See through the foliage, a waterfall. Walk over to it. As you observe the waterfall, you notice sparkles of light sprinkled in with the water - the waterfall is of God’s cleansing water. Step into it. The miraculous waters of the waterfall flow through you as well as over you. You see the glistening sparkles of the water as it swirls around you, cleansing away physical world conditioning, stress, worry and fear. You feel the life force of God’s joy and love flow throughout your body. This daily experience will help you to wash away the unsettled physical world and allow you to maintain the joy of God within you and live the life of the limitless spiritual being that you are. You will be able to experience throughout your day the intense joyful feelings of gratitude and in so doing become a magnet for more joyful things to be grateful for.

You are One With God. You will understand this more as you unify your life with God. You will find miracles appearing as if from nowhere. You will see the hand of God in all that is around you – even the air that you breathe. Breathe deeply this air, for it is truly the essence of God that you are filling your lungs and body.

Air is the loving essence of God. Breathe deeply and allow the loving essence of God to empower you!

Your loving angels

February 4, 2008

Dearest Children...

The planet on which you live, Mother Earth is in process of healing the fear from her. You have seen this in your past and you will see this in days to come. This is not a time to add more fear, but to rejoice at the cleansing. You too have a part in this - to aid in the healing of not only Mother Earth, but of the human spirit as well.

Transmute your fear into love. This is your mission this day. You will find life to be so much more enjoyable while loving, than while fearing.

We are here to help you, your guides, your angels, your teachers and of course your loved ones who have re-joined us.

Even though you have been taught that you are alone there in the physical world: "You come into this world alone, you go out of this world alone." It is not true, for we are with you as you begin your journey on Mother Earth, as you experience each moment and we are with you as in a breath, your spirit transitions to the spiritual realm once again.
You are, indeed a crowd...

Your loving, angels, guides and teachers

March 31, 2008

Dearest Children,

We are all one - one with The Creator of All That Is. As One, there is no time that we are separate. Know that we are with you in all moments - with you to help you, support you, guide you and comfort you. It is our highest honor to be of assistance to you in your physical world valley of light and in your valley of darkness as well as all time in between.

It is our mission to help guide you to the light of enlightenment. Each of you are introduced to new levels daily. It is up to you to grasp the introduction and integrate it into the oneness of who you are with All That Is. You will find great peace in this experience.

Accept and acknowledge the messages of love that we send to you. You know in your heart that it is us, allow your mind to accept this. For in acceptance there is a great shift into embracing your personal power to truly live the life you incarnated to Mother Earth to experience.

This is an exciting time for Mother Earth as well as all life forms. Work with us, ask for our help to aid you in ascending to the true essence of who you are - One with The Creator of All That Is...

Your loving angels...

August 11, 2008

Hello Dear Children,

Blessings to all... We send great love to each of you and to Mother Earth. We honor your experiences and are here to help as well as celebrate. Know that you can never ask too much for help. Each one of you, ask more!

You measure your lives by your own individual standard(s). We see your essence - the greatness of you. Release the harshness, the judgment and allow yourselves to experience the awe of The Creator in all that you do. You will find yourselves living from a love base, feeling the love of the Universe - you will experience the true greatness of you. You will experience within you the shift from fear to love - allow it to be. In this shift you will discover a peace unknown on earth. Share this peace...

We love you, each of you and truly wish you to understand that you are, each one, a crowd of spiritual beings at all times. We are available to help you.

Your loving angels...

September 15, 2008

Dearest Children...

You are tended by loving beings of light; angels, guides and teachers. The denseness of your planet is thinning... As this veil thins, and the energies shift you are coming face to face with your inner turmoil - lifetimes of experiences are weighing heavily upon you.

Know that we are with you to help you work through these feelings and emotions based in fear.

Turn to the light, dear children, turn to the light.

The burden of darkness is not yours to bear.

Ask and it is given...

Your loving angels of light...

October 6, 2008

Dearest Children...

LightWorkers of Mother Earth stand tall and proud. Bask in the love light of The Creator. Warm yourselves with the love - share this love with others. You are our light shining forth throughout the lands of Mother Earth. It is with your light that the darkness dissipates. It is with your light that others find their way. It is with your light, that YOU find your way. The light of God within you shines brightly for all who allow themselves to have the "eyes" to "see" it.

We are your humble servants to aid you in traversing your spiritual path to fulfill your missions. You are worthy to shine forth, to teach, to counsel and to love.

The love light is steady and does not waiver. When you do not see it, your eyes are simply closed. Make the effort to open your eyes, dear children...

Your loving angels of light...

October 31, 2008

We rejoice to be with you this moment!

Listen dear children, warriors of God, you are the light, you are love, you are always a crowd of angels, guides and teachers - we are with you in all moments in all days - in all nights - in all times.

Live your lives fully without fear for you are truly One with The Creator of All That Is - you are One with God.

The light of the eternal flame is with you to light your way - do you see? Can you feel the warm glow of love that emanates from it?

Breathe deeply, sweet children of God, for it is through your breath that you feel us, hear us and know us most clearly.

Sweet blessings of miraculous miracles are yours - allow yourselves to receive fearlessly...

Your loving angels of light...

December 8, 2008

Dear Ones...

Many of the human spirits living on Mother Earth at this time are living their lives from a basis of fear. The mission of the human spirits is not one of fear, but of overcoming the teachings taught by those of generations of fear to be once more in the natural state of love.

Fear blocks receipt of the true highest good of the human spirit.

We ask that each human spirit look deeply within to connect once more with the Divine Healer, the Creator of All That Is, with God. It is in this connection that the pure love of God is to be experienced. To shift one’s life from the depths and clutches of fear to that of love is the mission.

In this shift hope springs eternal. The limitless spiritual being that you truly are melds as one with God and the infinite possibilities of who you are is now known to you. The separateness that you often feel – as if you are alone, is no longer.

God has great abundance for each human spirit. Love and light is yours through perfection of faith. Guidance is clear. The pathway to abundance is lit by the glow of the light of love from within. Be bold, step forth in this light of love and embrace the essence of who you are – One with The Creator.

Your loving angels…

December 22, 2008

Dear Ones...

In loving light we watch over each of you as you struggle, as you love, as you anger, as you make your way through your physical world existence. You each hold great power - unbeknownst to most of you...

In gratitude your vibration lifts to the highest realms the God light...

We love you, each of you in all moments in all ways. We are here to serve you, to help you... Use your free will wisely by using it!
The tools are yours to help you through your days to bring peace to your hearts. Open your hearts to love - lend a hand to another, to a stranger - allow yourself to experience the love within you - the peace the joy of the aid you have given...

This is a tool freely given to you on this day: Lend a helping hand - give joy to another with a smile, with a deed, with love. Do this every day - at least one time every day - even when you don't want to. You will see the light of God shining upon you - you will feel the warmth of its glow. Allow yourself to embrace this gift of joy.

Your loving angels…


January 12, 2009

Dear Ones...

When the human spirit focuses on that which they are grateful, their vibrational energy shifts from that of the “normal” physical world vibration of continual fear, to that of love. When you change within, it is as if a domino effect initiates.
Gratitude makes one a magnet for more of which to be grateful. Not only do you “transform” into a happier spiritual being and human, but those around you experience the transformation and shift as well.

All this is quite exciting to be a part of from the spiritual realms.

Many of your hearts have been heavy for many years – many lifetimes… A continued focus on Gratitude will have a long lasting affect on you and all around you. By your standards it may be a slow process, but the outcome will be phenomenal and you will look back amazed at how something so simple and so much fun – yes, fun, could produce such a shift in your consciousness and all those you touch as well.

Look deeply into your heart to experience the resonance of this knowing. We love you more than your human mind can even imagine. We hold you in your sad times, rejoice with you in your happy times and always, always send you great love.

We ask that you embrace the magical power of you, embrace your personal power. Each of you are a light – a beacon of God’s love light in the shadow of the fear that engulfs Mother Earth.
You are profound love in all its glory! Embrace this knowledge and feel the vibration of the confidence of God begin to stir within you.

You are of the light, release the fear instilled by the physical world and be free to truly experience and receive all the abundance of God’s love for you.

In gratitude you will find love, in gratitude you will find discernment, in gratitude you will find clear guidance. For in gratitude there is no room for fear – clarity of direction and guidance of action steps to take are yours – in gratitude.

Nurture yourself dear children.

You are safe in God’s love, dear children, embrace this and go forth in gratitude and love.

In gratitude…
Your loving angels…

February 9, 2009

As the light of God smoothes out the folds of your spiritual journey, the shadows drop away and you discover the comfort that resides within as your reconnect with the essence of who you are.

Each of you are the lightworkers. You hold the light of God within you to expose the truth of life, of death, of universal laws, of all that is. It only requires effort.

The veil is thinning, the energies pulsating throughout the planet of Mother Earth are dissipating the old thought patterns and illuminating the falseness of old beliefs. The old paradigms are falling away to reveal a higher plateau of understanding - of truth.
The higher vibration of love draws you to the light enveloping you in peace and love more profound than your mere physical minds can take in - for this is how it is.

We are One with You - we are One with The Father - together we are One...
Your loving angels...

February 23, 2009

Dearest Children,

As the light of God smoothes out the folds of your spiritual journey, the shadows drop away and you discover the comfort that resides within as your reconnect with the essence of who you are.
Each of you are the lightworkers. You hold the light of God within you to expose the truth of life, of death, of universal laws, of all that is. It only requires effort.

The veil is thinning, the energies pulsating throughout the planet of Mother Earth are dissipating the old thought patterns and illuminating the falseness of old beliefs. The old paradigms are falling away to reveal a higher plateau of understanding - of truth.

The higher vibration of love draws you to the light enveloping you in peace and love more profound than your mere physical minds can take in - for this is how it is.

We are One with You - we are One with The Father - together we are One...

Your loving angels...

June 22, 2009

Dear Children,

Breathe deeply child as you read this. Allow our loving energies to fill your earthly bodies with the true essence of God - Love...
You must remember that you are all powerful! Each one of you holds tremendous power to truly live and to love and to experience all that there is to experience there on Mother Earth. Open your hearts to receive the abundance in all things that the universe holds for you. Allow yourselves to bring to fruition your heart's desires!

As Mother Earth and her human spirits heal from the illusion of fear we are with you in love in all ways, in all moments...

Your loving angels...

November 25, 2009

Dear Children of Light,

The humans of Mother Earth hold fear in their heart. Many do not realize how tightly fear holds them. We are working with the earth angels to bring love, joy and laughter to the human hearts thereby dissipating the fear. This shift in collective consciousness to love is necessary for the ascension of Mother Earth. We applaud those who are stepping into their power through love – through connecting with the God Part within – selflessly sharing love with others as One.

The love within your heart brings peace to those you touch. Allow your love light to shine for we are with you in all that you do. When fear stirs within you, breathe deeply the love of God and exhale the fear. You are One with The Creator. One in all ways. You have gifts within you that you have not tapped – we will help you. Do not fret, dear child, for we are with you in all that you do.

When you feel as if a door has closed, bless it, for another is opening. Know there is perfection in all things. The love of your heart will illuminate your path – look within, dear child, for within, you will discover the multitude of beings that are with you to guide your steps.

Many view adversities of the physical world of Mother Earth as debilitating. These life situations are only hiccups in the series of your lifetimes. Your gift of laughter and joy is a contagious healing quality that blesses humans and Mother Earth. Allow yourself to experience joy, laughter and healing.

We ask that you look within dear child to more fully connect with us. Many who are with you in spirit as teachers and guides have walked the soils of Mother Earth and will help you navigate the terrain. You are a vast crowd of angels, guides and teachers in all moments. Breathe deeply, dear child and allow yourself to be one with the air, One with The Creator. In living your life from this source of love you tap fr*e*ely into your field of possibilities.

We are with you in all moments. Look within dear child to discern our connection. You do hear us, you simply must move your human brain from the equation and listen to your heart to discern our voice. We are the breath that sustains you – we are one in love and light. We ask that you write to us – write to us to discern our messages from your mind chatter. Pulling our golden light of information from the recesses of your human being-ness will fulfill your connection and you will experience the feeling of “wholeness” that you desire. Yes, dear child we know of your deep desires to be one with us once more – your desire to connect with the source of love that you are – while continuing to live in the human body.

We are one, dear child, you and we of the spirit realms. We applaud you and hold great excitement at your understanding and “hearing” our guidance.

Your loving Angels...

December 21, 2009

Dearest Children,

Breathe deeply and feel our wings of love embrace you. Many feel as if you are deserted. This is not so! We are with you, with each of you in all moments of your days.

This is a blessed time of truth revealed and angelic lights brightened with knowledge and wisdom. You are One with The Creator - One with All That Is... Beings of Infinite Possibility, Joy, Love and Light.

Grasp firmly this knowledge and dissipate the physical world confusion through the light of love that resides within you. Fan the flame brightly with your breath - breathe deeply - connecting clearly and cleanly as your Being bursts forth with loving light!

We are of light, you and we the messengers of God. Breathe deeply, dear children, fan your inner flame of light and love. The darkness dissipates with the light of love.

Together, we are One...

We are your comrades of love and light.

Your loving angels...

December 30, 2009

We are with you, dearest children, each and every one. Your Mother Earth is opening her heart to the shifting and evolvement of the human spirits. As you too open your hearts, the love light will guide your pathway. Those of the darkness can no longer hide from the light - they will dissipate and be no longer...

You will see many changes over the coming times. Know that you are safe within the palm of The Creator in all ways.

You each have a mission of love and light - each and every one of you - step into this power of love and reap the abundance of it - allow the love glow to shower upon you blessings of desires fulfilled. Share the love will all you touch - for we are all One with

The Creator...

January 1, 2011
Message from the Angel of Love and Light

Dear Angels,
In light of this new year of Mother Earth, what can you tell us of our coming days?

Dearest One and All...

The activity of "All That Is" is a great site to behold - one of love and light illuminating the darkness of chaos and fear. There is much word of "doom and gloom" as the humans call it. Be not fearful oh ye of little faith...

When you hear of such things of lack, loss and destruction, look within your heart and step into the place of peaceful serenity and love. If there were no fear filled words flowing through your ears to touch your beating heart, the human brain would reason that there is no need to anchor the connection with God, The Creator, in this moment. Instead all the human spirits would trudge through their days oblivious to the availability of Heaven on Earth within their heart connection.

Your human world teaches of separation from God as your daily status of living. It is now time for the collective consciousness of Mother Earth to shift from the illusion of single individualism to the collective of all as one.

Discern the requirements of your human desires, open your heart to the essence of whom you are and graciously open your hearts to receive all that is yours...

Step into the light of your day fully in your power as the essence of God, an abundant supply warehouse of all that you desire.

You are One with God - the giver and the receiver of All That Is...

The Angel of Love and Light

January 10, 2011

Know, dear child that we are with you. In each moment of your existence on Mother Earth you are a crowd of angelic beings of love and light waiting for you to ask our help and guidance to help you remember who you are – One with God. Let go of your fear. Fear is a man made illusion. Live in this moment with us in love and joy. Look within to the core of your being and you will find us, your angels, your guides, and your teachers – God within you. You will discover that you safely reside in the palm of God.

We want you to know, deeply from within your heart that you are profoundly loved in ways that your human mind cannot understand. Breathe, dear child, BREATHE! Breathe deeply and slowly, releasing the angst of the physical world for it is not yours. Love is yours, dear child, love is who you are.

The path you walk on the soils of Mother Earth is one of transformation. Your spirit is there to step beyond the duality of good/bad of the physical world and accept all as it is in love. Reconnect with your love source, dear child, within the turmoil, your spirit is showing you the way. Allow the light of love to illuminate your pathway for you are in the presence of angels at all times who glow brightly with love for you to see clearly.

Within you is light, allow our love to fan the flame. We, your angles, will help you shift from fear of the earthly plain to the love of who you are. When you shift from within from fear to love, all aspects of your life will shift as well, it is the law.

We know the true longings of your heart, dear child; we are here with you to help you step from the dredges of fear that hold you hostage to soar in love and light receiving all that your heart desires.

All that you desire is already yours!
As One with The Creator of All That Is, your desires are already yours – peace, joy and prosperous abundance are already yours, BREATHE and allow yourself to receive…

We ARE your heart, dear child, One with God.

Your Angels of Love and Light

January 18, 2011

Dearest Children of the Light,

Open your hearts to the light that you seek, for within you it resides. The pain of your earthly conflicts dissipates in the light of love. Love is all powerful, dear ones.

You are seeing for yourselves that darkness cannot hide from the light. Light dissipates darkness and all is illuminated. Harmony and love reign supreme.

There is much shifting, evolving and growth sprouting forth on your planet of Mother Earth. Those of you stepping into love source are as seeds whose roots travel deeply into Mother Earth healing her from within. The love light of your expanding energy then ripples out around you fanning the flame of love within all you touch.

Love is the very air that you breathe to sustain your bodies. Breathe deeply of the limitless possibility love!

We are humbly forever with you…

The Angels of Love and Light…

April 4, 2011

Dear Children…

We hold you in arms of love. Know that you are not alone in any moment of your existence on Mother Earth. We hold the safe place for you to expand into a greater expression of you – love.

There is great change going on within you. You feel the tug of your higher self within you asking you to breathe deeply and feel the beating of God’s heart from within your essence.

The turmoil you feel is but an illusion to wake you to the infinite possibility that is you. Cast aside the teachings of the physical world that you are limited, for new adventures of limitless possibility await you. Proceed with wisdom, thought and care. We are with you in each step and know there are no “wrong” decisions and you cannot fail. All is in divine order and growth to love source is the oar that guides you.

All life experiences contain perfection. You may not see this perfection, but know that it is there – always. All sad and joy experiences are but stepping stones to shifting your being-ness to your essence - love source. Look within your heart, breathe deeply and simply be.

Your loving angels…

April 7, 2011

Dear Children…

We hold you in arms of love. Know that you are not alone in any moment of your existence on Mother Earth. We hold the safe place for you to expand into a greater expression of you – love.

There is great change going on within you. You feel the tug of your higher self within you asking you to breathe deeply and feel the beating of God’s heart from within your essence.

The turmoil you feel is but an illusion to wake you to the infinite possibility that is you. Cast aside the teachings of the physical world that you are limited, for new adventures of limitless possibility await you. Proceed with wisdom, thought and care. We are with you in each step and know there are no “wrong” decisions and you cannot fail. All is in divine order and growth to love source is the oar that guides you.

All life experiences contain perfection. You may not see this perfection, but know that it is there – always. All sad and joy experiences are but stepping stones to shifting your being-ness to your essence - love source. Look within your heart, breathe deeply and simply be.

Your loving angels…

Soul Kisses






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