Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Soul Kisses Angel Chronicles

Seven Spanish Angels and a Rainbow...

Just thought I'd share this little thing with the angels with you. Last night I was reading an angel book and the person writing said that every time she wanted to know if her angels were around her she turned on the radio and Robbie Williams - Angels would be playing to let her know they were around.

So I said aloud,  "Okay I'll give that one ago." I turned on the cd player to radio (which is something i never listen to) and struggled to find any station playing music.  The only one I could find was a country music channel which is my least favorite style of music. But Willie Nelson was singing and I don't mind him - no Robbie Williams... LOL

I left the station where it was, saying, "Well, that didn't work did it?" to nobody in particular. Imagine my surprise when the next line good ole Willie sang was "There was Seven Spanish Angels". I laughed out loud and said,  "Okay, I get it."  I was just about to turn off the radio when the next song came on.  I had no idea who sang it, but one of the opening lines was - "Heaven needs Angels". Do you think they were trying to tell me something?

I had to take my son to work early this morning and on the way back I was on a quiet country road mulling over things.  The sky was dark with rain and it looked pretty miserable, when I saw this rainbow, the biggest brightest one I have ever seen and as I pulled off the road to look at it I swear it was coming right out of the ground next to me!! I moved further off the road to get a better look and it just disappeared.

No matter how much we doubt them they are always there for us.

~Jan C

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