Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


James Van Praagh

If you like the Soul Kisses website, you'll love Unfinished Business by James Van Praagh! 

Unfinished Business is written using basically the same format as Waiting in the Other Room.  The book Big Jim and I wrote together!  Not only that, but James references many of the same things that are included in my work through the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers website.

One tidbit of information that James shares is that he recommends to all his students The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn.  We offer a self study course that is based on The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn!

Unfinished Business is a blessed compilation of many tools to help the human spirits of Mother Earth evolve to unconditional love for self as well as each other. The loving heart of James Van Praagh is immersed in the pages of his work. Bless yourself with the gift of this book - you may order it through the Barnes and Noble link below.

Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death

The words of James Van Praagh enlighten us with the truth of life after death. “Talking to Heaven,” confirmed my internal belief about life of the soul/spirit after death of the physical body. The thought of myself, or a loved one passing now holds peace instead of fear, wisdom instead of naiveté, strength instead of weakness. Living without the ‘fear’ of our death or that of a loved one, we are able to then concentrate on living in the now of each moment. James Van Praagh opens the doors to understanding how tragedies come to pass. He provides a better understanding and insight into the ‘why’ of many physical world happenings. He also provides suggestions of how we ourselves can acquire knowledge from our own spirit guides. 




Click the Barnes and Noble link below to order your copy!

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